The multifunctional art playground Baltimore Bend, designed by Arttenders and Studio Spass on behalf of the municipality of Almere, was festively opened on 9 February 2022 by Alderman Hilde van Garderen. Prior to the opening MME Group was approached by Arttender to carry out a commissioning inspection. The close cooperation during the design and production phase ensured that the inspection was completed quickly.
Playground 2.0 – For and by the children from Almere Buiten
Arttenders collaborated with several parties and together they have raised the traditional concept of a playground to a higher level. Children from Almere Buiten contributed ideas during a design competition about their ideal playground. Their crafts served as inspiration for the artistic playground. The design of Baltimore Bend was declared the winner in a public vote held amongst residents of Almere Buiten.
Baltimore Bend is a nice combination of park, playground and art. Through the curved shape and perforations in the brightly colored steel construction, a playful and interesting route is created which invites for exploration of different areas. The abstract and innovative design stimulates children to use their fantasy and creativity to make their own play environment.
Commissioning inspection carried out with care by MME Group
In order to create a safe playing environment, Arttenders approached MME Group to carry out a commissioning inspection. MME Group is an ISO 17020 accredited, independent and expert type A inspection body (I 019) for the inspection of playground equipment. In addition, MME Group is an inspection body (AKI) designated by the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport for the inspection and certification of amusement and playground equipment.
Our technical experts have inspected the Baltimore Bend based on the Commodities Act on Attractions and Playground Equipment (Warenwetbesluit Attractie- en Speeltoestellen).
The technical design was assessed prior to production. Close cooperation with all parties involved during the design and production phase ensured that the inspection was completed quickly. As a result, after the installation of the Baltimore Bend, no technical shortcomings were found at the art playground.
By bringing in MME Group, the manufacturer was relieved of worries during the design and production phase. MME Group is proud of the result and the excellent cooperation with all parties involved.
Will you also come and try out the Baltimore Bend anytime soon?
Are you also looking for a company that can perform an inspection for you? Contact us via +31 (0)167 52 50 39 or
Credits images:
Baltimore Bend © Pim Top for Arttenders x Studio Spass